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My Spiritual Formation


In this area, you will find the areas of ministry that I can offer as an Ordained Pastor.  I am not seeking to take anyone away from their home pastor.  I will be sure to establish this at the beginning of our first contact.  I am here to offer a new way to connect with people.

What to explore

This section will allow you to explore different topic of religion and spirituality pieces that may or may not interest you.  I have sorted out several books and references that will lead one to explore where it is the Holy intercedes for you.



On this page, testimonials are shared from some of my colleagues about the work I have done in my ministry.  And a few testimonials from congregation members that I have helped along the way.  I would like to help you, if I am able, so I invite you to read these and see if I am the one for you.



Since the age of 16, I have always felt this nudge of being called to be one of God's servants.  In 1990, when I was confirmed with the Church, my home congregation could see I was being called.  Of course, it took me a little longer to understand what that call truly would entail.  It was through my church camp experiences, as a counselor and director, where I would learn what my call by God would be.  I have always loved the Church because it was a place where I could be authentic.  I didn't have to impress anyone about who I was or what I looked like.  I was me...Dixie Lynn Laube, a farmer's daughter who knew the ins and outs and struggles of rural life.  I knew staying true to who I was or am would benefit how my ministry would evolve.  My call started by counseling youth at Pilgrim Heights Retreat Center (now Our Sacred Space).  I learned so much about staying in the moment, being true to myself, and letting things happen organically in the outdoor ministry setting.  I also learned that change is inevitable, so instead of resisting it, I learned how to lean into it.  It isn't for everyone, though when we trust God, we need to be willing to listen to what God is calling each of us to do.  My call has strengthened over the years and what I am understanding at this point in my life is I am called to be with the people, wherever they are in the journey.  I am called to listen, to struggle with them, and to help nudge them to move forward--even if it might feel uncomfortable.  I continue to learn how important it is to stay true to the preaching and teaching of the scriptures because it is important for the Church to understand that going against the norm of society is what Jesus did and taught.  Yes, this part of my call I do struggle with because of fear; however, God is calling us to uphold the commandment:  "Love the Lord Your God with All your Heart...and to Love your neighbor as yourself."

I am passionate about walking along side people in their faith journey.  I enjoy getting to know the people.  I am a relational, warm pastor who builds connections with people, which makes them feel comfortable to be around me.  Now, that can be misconstrued by others who think I'm someone's best friend.  However, that is not the case with me.  I am the pastor in the relationship and I know my boundaries.  I love watching all ages start to understand what their purpose is in their life when God is at the center.  It is during those "ah-ha" moments at Bible study, Confirmation, Worship, or general conversations that makes my heart smile.  I love watching little ones grow up in the Church and respond to Jesus at Christmas and Easter (and every other week...but more so these two seasons).  I am passionate about helping congregations be in ministry outside the walls of their church:  to the homeless, or women shelters, or homeless teens.  I would say my most passionate piece in ministry is being with people who are excited about serving God, and not for their owns self gratification.  This is where the covenant of "being the church" comes in to play.  It takes all hands and feet to be the Body of Christ, not just the pastor, so if the congregation is passionate about doing something other than programming, then I am too.  I do like to help people when they are stuck in their journey--when they start questioning God and are really struggling to understand God's message for them.  I enjoy walking down that path with them because 9 times out of 10, they are the ones that realize what happened in their life and are ready to make strides right with God and their families.  I am passionate about being an ordained minister with the United Church of Christ, because I have been with this denomination for 43 years...10 being ordained the rest as a lay person and leader.  I love who the United Church of Christ is and am excited to be on this journey.



Rudd, IA  50471

Thank you for reaching out to me.  I'll be in touch soon.

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